Body Beast Day 36 – Bulk Back


I honestly am having trouble believing that I am already done five weeks of this program. I am having so much fun that it’s just breezing by. Last night I got a little more than 9 hours of sleep, which is always a great feeling. However, I had tons of trouble getting out of bed, due to my leg soreness.

Meal 1 – 2:30 PM 1,600 calories
For breakfast I had eggs, turkey bacon, turkey sausage and buckwheat pancakes.

Pre-Workout  – 5:30 PM 20 calories
I had 2 scoops of Beachbody Energy and Endurance Formula, and was fired up and ready to go.

The Workout:
The Bulk: Back workout is such a beast, especially following Bulk: Legs in the schedule. My legs are absolute mush right now, so they will be able to provide very little assistance for my back today. Today’s workout turned out going very well, for the most part. I increased my weight on the 15 rep set of Pull-Overs because they were a little too easy last time. I left my weight for the heavy portion of the drop set at 60 lbs and got a great burn in my lats. The Pull-Ups were a bit of a struggle today, I cruised through the first set of 10, but had to drop off the bar, during the second and third sets for a couple second of rest. The last set in particular is really tough directly following the Drop Set of Pull-Overs. The Reverse Grip Bent Over Rows went really well today. I feel like I had nearly perfect form, as my knees stayed over my ankles and I didn’t feel anything back strain at all. Though, I kept my weight the same as last time, I will try and increase it next time. The force set of One Arm Rows was really tough again today. Like the other force Sets, the hardest part for me is not the exercise itself, but the short rest in between each set, where you have to hold the weight in your hand. During the 4th and 5th set my forearm was absolutely screaming in pain. The Deadlifts went really well today, despite my leg soreness. I increased the weight on the set of 15 because I thought 20s were too easy last time. I left my weight the same on the drop set, but maintained really good form. If I am feeling beastly next time, I will try and increase by 5 lbs. Finishing off the workout with the Super Set of Reverse Flys and Plank Rotations is difficult. because the backs of my shoulders are weak, so I really struggle with the Reverse Flys. I felt like today went better than last time, but I still have a ways to go before I feel good about this one. This time I remembered to switch sides after each rep on the Plank Rotations  and was able to knock out 10 per set. I feel really good about today’s back workout and though it is still the hardest one for me, especially the day after legs, I do feel like I am making progress with it each time and that is all I can really ask for.

Meal 2 – Post-Workout  – 7:15 PM 480 calories
I had a larger version of my post-workout shake today, with whey protein, dextrose, juice and creatine.

Meal 3  – 9:00 PM 140 calories
I had a large banana before dinner.

Meal 4  – 10:30 PM 680 calories
For dinner I had broiled salmon, roasted potatoes and sweet potatoes, along with steamed green beans.

Meal 5  – 12:00 AM 530 calories
I had a Tropical Strawberry Shakeology, made with skim milk. I also had a bowl of Kashi Cinnamon Harvest cereal and a spoon of cashew butter.

Meal 6  – 1:15 AM 330 calories
Before bed I had raspberries with Greek yogurt, and a spoon of cashew butter.

Today supplement checklist is complete – Creatine, Suma, Fish Oil and Multivitamin

Today calories were close to my goal at 3,244. My macros were a little fat skewed at 29% (104g), my protein was 25% (206g), and carbs were 46%

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